The exhibition »Matter of South (MoS) – Biomaterial Cultures from Latin America« explores how biomaterial initiatives in this region harness culture and biodiversity to create new possibilities for the future through research on biofabricated materials. This endeavor aims to rewrite the human relationship with the immediate environment while questioning and providing alternatives to the established extractivist model.
At the center of this exhibition is »The Biomaterial Archive«, an installation featuring initiatives from Latin America through actual biomaterial samples and documentary records of different types of processes and manufacturing contexts found within the region. All elements are linked through a dynamic map that illustrates the diverse landscape of biomaterial initiatives from multiple locations. This collaborative, interdisciplinary network aims to document, connect, and showcase projects, groups, and individuals engaged in biomaterial and biomanufacturing explorations throughout the region.
As part of the exhibition, a »Biomaterial Manifesto« will be presented, bringing together a series of discussions and perspectives by experts from different disciplines on various themes related to this emerging paradigm. There will also be a symposium and hands-on workshops led by subject matter experts.
»Matter of South« offers a platform for dialogue, creativity, and collaboration, inviting participants to explore the transformative potential of biomaterial cultures in Latin America. By highlighting local initiatives and fostering community engagement, the initiative aims to catalyze positive change and inspire more symbiotic practices between human and non-human entities within our environments.
Curatorial Team
Heidi Jalkh (Sistemas Materiales): Experimental designer trained in industrial design. She is a specialist in Lógica y Técnica de la Forma (morphology) and a master in Open Design – interdisciplinary research (HU-University of Buenos Aires). She is a design teacher and director of the interdisciplinary research group Sistemas Materiales. In parallel to these academic activities, she continues to develop her professional practice as a designer. Her work intersects craft, design, and manufacturing of biomaterials and bioinspired active materials.
Gisela Pozzetti (Sistemas Materiales): Textile designer. She continued her studies in the Master’s program in Lógica y Técnica de la Forma (morphology) and the Specialization in Sociology of Design. She is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, the National University of the Arts, and UADE in Argentina, where she teaches classes in trends, textile and fashion design, the history of costume, and textile arts. She is also a member of the interdisciplinary research group Sistemas Materiales. She specializes in social trends applicable to design and works as a designer and consultant for cultural institutions, independent producers, and companies.
Valentina Aliaga (Universidad Catolica de Temuco): Graphic designer who has focused her practice on design in the research of new material cultures and associated communication tools, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches, the articulation of agents, and territorial practices. She is currently a member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Architecture, Art, Design, and Crafts at the Catholic University of Temuco, in Southern Chile, where she leads the research line and workspace associated with Regenerative Design and New Materialities.
Sistemas Materiales: Interdisciplinary research group that develops projects at the intersection of science, design and crafts, with the goal to explore new strategies and disruptive processes to generate non-conventional alternatives to materials and manufacturing methods from, with, and for nature. This collaboration between scientific disciplines and the design seeks a paradigm shift: doing/making from a more biological, organic, and regenerative approach.
»The Biomaterial Archive« is an installation featuring initiatives from Latin America through actual biomaterial samples and documentary records of different types of processes and manufacturing contexts found within the region. All elements are linked through a dynamic map that illustrates the diverse landscape of biomaterial initiatives from multiple locations. This collaborative, interdisciplinary network aims to document, connect, and showcase projects, groups, and individuals engaged in biomaterial and biomanufacturing explorations throughout the region.
In this section of the exhibition, visitors will have the opportunity to explore the diversity, uniqueness, and richness of biomaterial initiatives’ development in different parts of Latin America, as well as to experience them sensorially.
»The Biomaterial Map« is the result of extensive surveying and data analysis of over 200 biomaterial initiatives in the region, spanning a wide spectrum including products, art, academic research, and initiatives related to disseminating these practices among diverse audiences.
Research: mena Califa (project lead), Camila Narbaitz Sarsur, Rocio Bongiovanni
Design: Micaela Fernandes
Mapping and visuals: Rosario Murua
Lighting design consultant: Arturo Peruzzotti
Communication: Noelia Pirsic
Initiatives by country
Costa Rica
Puerto Rico
Towards a »Biomaterial Manifesto« from Latin America
The curators invited a group of 10 relevant figures from different disciplines in the field of biomaterials in Latin America with the aim of shedding light on biomaterial practices from their perspectives, both as individuals and as part of various collectives.
Participant selection was based on previous collaborative relationships, significant experience in the field, geographic diversity, and willingness to engage. They represent independent initiatives, academic projects and institutions, and entrepreneurial ventures.
The crafting of the Manifesto seeks to reveal a shared narrative that integrates different viewpoints, including their contradictions, regarding the current state of biomaterial practices, the predominant guiding principles, and the defining characteristics of these initiatives in the region.
The ultimate goal in developing the Manifesto is not to establish definitive conclusions that dictate an absolute or enduring truth, but rather to offer a snapshot of the collective efforts of individuals at this particular moment in time.
While the Manifesto was being developed through group meetings and focus groups, the curators also gathered an interdisciplinary council board of professionals from other fields to provide an external perspective on the statements, discussions, and disagreements of this emerging narrative. The advisory board was also invited to contribute additional debates that may not have been addressed by the group.
Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Mattäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
Opening hours:
Wed–Fr: 10.00–17.00 h
Sa/Su: 11.00–18.00 h
»Diseño Y Diáspora« Biomaterials: taking care of the planet
Interview series on biomaterials conducted by Mariana Salgado and Heidi Jalkh from Sistemas Materiales. This series dialogues with the recently published book »Trazos: Edición Biomateriales«, featuring interviews that correspond to chapters of the book. The series comprises five interviews, offering a diverse perspective on the research and development of biomaterials in Latin America, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities in this field.
Episode #529 La comunidad | Heidi Jalkh and Gisela Pozzetti from Sistemas Materiales
Episode #530 Laboratorio | María José Besoain and Alejandro Weiss from LABVA
Episode #531 Construcción | Dana Sáez
Episode #532 Productos reutilizables | Camila Castro Grinstein from Etimo
Episode #567 | Claudia Banz (coming soon)
Valentina Aliaga, Designer, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile
Taína Campos, Designer, Diseña Colectiva, México
Ana Laura Cantera, Transmedia artist and researcher, Universidad Tres de Febrero Argentina
Florencia Cesari Tommarello, Mushroom farmer – Bioartist, Sistemas Materiales Argentina
Heidi Jalkh, Designer, Sistemas Materiales, Argentina
Leonardo Majul, PHD Biology CONICET, Sistemas Materiales, Argentina
Cristina Muñoz, Designer, DLAB Universidad, San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
Ricardo Muttio, Designer, Radial, México
Carolina Pacheco Glen Designer, Calcáreo, Chile
Gisela Pozzetti, Designer, Sistemas Materiales, Argentina
Sebastián Rodríguez, Designer, BioFAB UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Elisa Strobel do Nascimento, Designer, Universidade Federal Do Paraná , Brasil
Alejandro Weiss Münchmeyer, Architect, Laboratorio de Biomateriales de Valdivia, Chile
Milton Almonacid (Chile)
Historian | Geographer
Research at the intersection of the philosophy of science, cultural studies, and technology in the fields of the epistemology of sciences, decolonization of knowledge, indigenous epistemologies, global studies, transition design, futures studies, disruption, creativity, innovation, and strategic management.
Universidad Católica de Temuco | Copenhagen University
Pablo González (Argentinien)
Research in the fields of science communication, life-centered design and innovation for desirable and sustainable futures, deep tech, artificial intelligence, online communities, energy transition and biotechnology
El Gato y La Caja
Edith Medina Paz (Mexiko)
Bioartist, researcher and educator
Research in the fields of textile biomaterials and biological manufacturing with applications to design, fashion, art and science.
Biology Studio
René Ramírez (Ecuador)
Research in the field of Inequality, Good living, Time studies, Social Economy of Knowledge, Higher education, Democracy and Development
Universidad Nacional de las Artes (Argentina) | Universidad Estatal de Milagro (Ecuador)
Martín Tironi (Chile)
Research in the fields of Anthropology of Design, Science-Technology-Society (STS), Critical Design, Multispecies Design, Smart Cities, Digital technologies.
School of Design of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Eliana Ortiz-Velosa (Chile)
PHD Education, Universidad Católica de Temuco
Methodological Advisor & Process and Content Analysis in the »MoS Manifiesto initiative«
001 Pálticos • Agustina Ruiz
002 Bioconductor fugaz • Lara Fernández Vallone
003 Lyum / Estudio.Inversa • Rocio Bongiovanni, Clara Bellucci
005 Desarrollo de productos innovadores con materiales biobasados • Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Laura Toyé, Maria Laura Matos
006 Formación en Biomateriales • Laura Messing
008 Tejido Conectivo • Elia Gasparolo
011 El discurso estético de los materiales biofabricados • Rodrigo Ezequiel Mené, Pablo Ungaro, María Alicia Volpe
015 BioPanel CEVE • Natalia Fernández, Rosana Gaggino, Vanina Greppi, Ana Valentina Basso, Lucas Peisino
019 Materiales Innovadores Biobasados- BioFabLab • Dirección Técnica de Diseño Industrial – INTI
022 MOEBIOcueros • Laura Messing
028 Viento casa de bioarte • Ana Paula Hall
029 Biomateriales basados en el orujo de uva • Gisela Tabacman
031 Los biomateriales como camino alternativo en el área del diseño • Francisco Tardini
032 Joyería de arte con biomateriales • Paula Isola
033 Biomateriales en la enseñanza del diseño responsable • Paula Sapochnik, Violeta Salama
035 Bioplástico de Yerba • Julieta Torres
036 Funga Editorial • Brian Hock, Andrés Torres Acuña
037 Florisgrafía • Luciano Pozo
038 Resignificación de Biomateriales • Julieta Isuani, Fiama Yonzo, Carelí Sapino
039 Desolación • Hebe Argentieri
045 (mate)rial • Nicolas Benjamin Boscoboinik, Bustamante Jara Agustín
046 VPM, Valeria Perez Micelio • Valeria Noelí Perez Mitolo
048 LUNKO • Camila Zino
055 bio-ceramica • Maribel Vega, Guillermina Baiguera
058 Biomateriales: una alternativa para la industria textil • Paloma Maseda
059 Reemplazar a los derivados del petróleo • Susana Caruso, Marta Yajnes, Proyecto SI PIA TRP 35 FADU UBA
062 Suelectronica de género • Laura Nieves, Constanza Dellea, Estela Domergue, Ramiro Alvarez, Gisela Here
063 Materiales bioconductores y su oxidación • Lara Fernández Vallone
065 Paneles acústicos a base de micelio • Pedro Fernandez Ridano, Silvia Andrea Prieto Lozano
066 Orígena: Futuro biomaterial • Pedro Flores Maldonado, Victoria Mínguez, Agustina Ruiz, Alejo Castro, Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación, Argentina, Asociación Civil Movimiento de Arte Comunitario
071 Proyecto Bio+ • Irma Anabel Moretti Salvatierra
074 Biomaterial a partir de junco • Huber Mauro Ezequiel
075 Calzado barro de biocueros • Melina Forciniti
079 Fungiguetes • Sol Gómez, Virginia Iurinic, Mauricio Schneider
080 El recibidor • Malena Maglio, Francesca Imbrociano
082 Bio.Mat.LAB • Valeria Marcela Gay
084 Morfologia biomaterial – Sheila O ́connor • Cecilia Lupiañez
086 Iniciación a los biomateriales/ posibilidades en joyería • Hebe Argentieri
089 BIOcircular • Ludmila Ledesma Perez
094 Estival Abanicos • Maria Laura Gonzalez
098 +USO • Rocio Errecaborde, Matias Lanfranconi
099 Fungipor • Roberto Gómez Faure, Daniel Villa, Ayelén Malgraf
101 Nu.Na • Abi Roman, Andrea Osorio
106 Packaging de Micelio • Angeles Cano
113 BIONUMA • Ana Laura Cantera, Demian Ferrari, Angel Salazar, Paloma Marquez, Maria Paula Rodriguez
114 Bioconversión • Raúl Fabio Itria, Ana Lucin Bezazian, Leonardo Majul
115 Yerma • Ana Laura Cantera
116 MYKLO • Ana Lucin Bezazian, Camila Ana Sanchez, Nick Denham, Lucía Pereyra, Milagros Ray, Quirici Thiago
118 monema biomateriales • Alma Schewe
123 Mycorium Biotech • Diana Romanini, Rocio Meini, Adriana Clementz, Agustin Schiavio
126 El Camino de las Hormigas • Guadalupe Aguiar Masuelli, Federico Levato, Emilce Amatta
128 Generativa Materia • Angeles Franco
131 SMYKO filters • Manuel Giménez Dixon, Gisela Tabacman, Martina Kolesnik, Nick Denham, Paula Morazzani
134 Caracterización de biomateriales fúngicos • Raúl Fabio Itria, Francisco Kuhar, Leonardo Majul, Ana Bezazian, Florencia Teruel Ortiz
138 Biomateriales de Nuez Pecan • Torres Heliana Paz
140 Crustal • Lucía Diaz
143 Poéticas materiales • Evelyn Araceli Ramp, Santiago Andrés Micolo, Hector Eduardo Borges
144 Punto, línea y plano • Leonardo Majul, Heidi Jalkh
147 Proceso de creación de un biomaterial plástico a partir de la proteína de la seda • María Laura Dominguez, Maximiliano Perez
149 micotec • Valentín Lastra, Gimenez Sofia
152 Biocomositer • Maria Juana Alvelo
154 Ovum Calcáreo • Viviana Ramos Di Tommaso, Laboratorio Sierva, Universidad de Tres de Febrero
158 Biodesign: de la nano a la macro escala • Ilaria La Manna, Jimena Califa
161 Trazos • Gisela Pozzetti, Heidi Jalkh, Paula Rodriguez
174 Lampara hecha con biomateriales • Théa Morandini
183 Biodi • Agustín Cristóbal
187 Obras de arte con biomateriales • Laura Lumi
192 Tintas Vivas • Mariana Zanotti
197 Borra + Cafecito • Etimo, Camila Castro Grinstein, Lucila Berenblum
198 CONQ. del mono-material al multi-performance • Heidi Jalkh, Angie Dub
203 Tejidos desde el útero • Ana Laura Cantera
204 Creciendo color • Heidi Jalkh, Leonardo Majul
212 Refúgio Fúngico + corto documental • Juliana Lareu, Ramiro Carro
225 Trazos Biomateriales • Sistemas Materiales, Heidi Jalkh, Marina Christe
227 Chila Biomateriales • Chila Relais & Châteaux, Ana Irie, Marco Scolnik, Martina Turano
229 Objetos fúngicos • Karen Antorveza
F02 Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan • Santiago Crespo
F07 Biomateriales comestibles • Laura Lumi
F08 Woody Biocomposites • Damian Arezzo Casanova
F13 900 egg-shells table • Lara Campos, Santiago Simó
F15 The Locked-Down Material Lab • Sofia Soledad Duarte Poblete, Patrizia Bolzan, Stefano Parisi, Valentina Rognoli
F16 Materiales biológicos • Sofia Soledad Duarte Poblete, Rodrigo Nuñez García
007 Pesquisa de biomateriais • Elizabeth Lorenzi
010 RUMA • Clara Acioli, Jeanine Geammal
013 Muush • Victoria Kopp
018 Cuia Colab • Asociación de Artesanas Ribereñas de Santarém, Lélia Maduro, Silvane Maduro, Marinalva Sousa, Lauro Cohen, Marcela Cotta, Alanna Vinhas, Marcos Worms
030 Habitar e coabitar • Pizzini Giovanna
042 We are Seeds • Rafaela Pires
057 Materiais compósitos com resíduos de poda de madeira urbana • Marcelo Hsu
060 Ensaio • Brunna Ramos
073 Biocompuestos Reforzados con Lana • Rafaella de Castro Lacerda, Breno Tenório de Abreu
081 Raizes • Gabriel Sotrati Angelo, Enzo Pretti
092 Materiais Sustentáveis e Processos Circulares • Daniel Malaguti, Clara Acioli
093 Design with the living • Elisa Strobel do Nascimento
095 Não Fere • Gislaine Maria Lau, Felipe de Carvalho Ishiy, Elisa Strobel do Nascimento
097 Mutualismos Mantos e Feitiços • Mariana Meziara Nogueira
102 Biomateriais: receitas de futuros • Graziela Nivoloni, Amanda Monteiro, Enzo Pretti, Thaís Ribeiro
103 BioStudio • Breno Abreu, Gláucia Lima, Thatiane Mendes, Rafaella Lacerda, Christus Nóbrega
105 Materiales contemporâneos • Graziela Nivoloni, Enzo Pretti
122 Biomateriais no Design: Experimentação, Reflexão e Difusão
133 La Furia Lab • La Furia Lab
159 Corpos Fermentativos • Sofia Mussolin
162 Simpoiesis Miceliais • Clara Acioli, Carlo Franzato
206 Ver, Tocar, Sentir • Marcelo Oliveira, Juliana Faria
F01 Biojewles • Carla Paoliello, Cassio Lucena
F10 A flor da Pele, a Flor da Alma • Carolina Elize Puppe
F17 Performative [Hybrid] Morphologies • Rebeca Duque Estrada, Fabian Kannenberg, Tzu-Ying Chen, Yanan Guo, A. Menges
004 Infauna • Heidi Jalkh, LABVA, Valentina Aliaga-Vargas, Nicolas Hernández
009 Bioediciones • Paula Lobiano Barría
014 Ancestra • Milena Francisca Buzolic Bozzo
017 Smartextil • Macarena Valenzuela, Héctor Torres, Benjamin Diaz
023 Vestigios • Yael Berkowitz, Anibal Fuentes, Natalia Cerda, Carolina Pacheco, Francisca Feijoo
025 Club Futura Materia • Jessica Briceño Cisnero, Camila Astaburuaga Peña
043 Calcáreo • Carolina Pacheco, Galit Hojman, Vicente Palma, Francisca Fuenzalida
044 Cascarium Citrus Orange • Ricardo Bustos
047 Investigación Nalquis • Antonia Paz Spaanderman Sepúlveda
049 Cas-cas • Viviana Marambio Rojas
053 Materia Lignum • Catalina Fuenzalida, Damián Araos, Franco Gnecco
054 Impermeabilización biomaterial • Paula Ríos, Sinestesia
067 Desarrollo de un material nanocompuesto • Iván Restrepo, N. Benito, C. Medinam, R.V. Mangalaraja, P. Flores
069 Fronda • Josefa Mella Vargas, Sofía Anwandter Jorquera
072 Materiales Laminares Comestibles • Carolina Kusanovich
076 Coreza • Sofia Aceituno
078 Circulab biomateriales • Marcelo Castañeda Gozalez, Fernanda Alvarez
100 Niza • Nayadeth Karina Catrileo Salgado, África Paulette Contreras Gutiérrez
107 Biomaterial bagazo • Paula Ríos, Renato Gonzalez
121 Taller Percán • Pedro Pinto, Constanza Schmidlin
135 Curso Experimentación y producción Biomaterial • Margarita Talep, Diego Contreras
137 LABVA • Maria Jose Besoain, Alejandro Weiss, Valentina Ehrenfeld, Gabriela Carrasco, Esteban Osses
141 Vasijas AB01 • Margarita Talep
142 Fabricación y experimentación de biohilos de cochayuyo • Scarlette Parra, Paola Benavides
146 • Margarita Talep
148 Bioláminas para luminarias • Sergio Pino Mellado
151 Tejidos • Viviana Vergara Vallejos
164 Biogerminadores • Savia Circular, Corporación Yunus, Corporación Cultiva, Colectivo Wobic, Proteinlab UTEM
165 Sensible • Ignacio Serrano, Carolina Espinoza, Gustavo Muñoz
167 Circulab • Cristina Rivera, Isidora Guarda
168 Optativo de Biomateriales • Cristina Rivera
173 Aula Abierta • Valentina Aliaga-Vargas
175 Expresiones Bacterianas • Valentina Aliaga-Vargas, Pedro Arredondo, Nayadeth Catrileo, Antonia Spaanderman
177 Manifiesto • Alejandro Martínez Orellana, Bastián Díaz Orellana, Ricardo Aliste Salvo
178 CR.Biocircular • Cristina Rivera
182 BioLab FAU • Andrea Wechsler Pizarro, Pablo E. Domínguez González, Yesenia Briones Castro, Paola Benavides Bermúdez
184 Rematerializando el bagazo de cerveza • Joyce Marín
185 PAT • Carolina Lolas, Paula Ulloa
186 Biofab UC • Sebastian Rodriguez, Lina Cardenas, Carolina Pacheco, Natalia Oviedo, Fernan Federici, Francisco Chateau, Cristian Calvo
199 Celulosa Microbiana • Martín Céspedes Escuti, Sebastián Martínez Moraga, Francisca Marchant Maldonado, Nataly Flores, Roberto Riveros Carrasco
201 Úvula • Emilia Duclos
205 Ser territorio • Astrid Osorio
213 Tramhils • Nayadeth Catrileo
226 REVEZ • Mirlenes Ñanco Quezada, Manuel Simon Gallardo, Antonia Paz Spaanderman Sepulveda
228 Fungitopías • LABVA
230 Iteraciones Morfológicas 2 • Sebastián Rodríguez
F09 Eco-materiality Research Cluster • Marcela Godoy, Monika Lin
F11 Mycelium-Based Composites for Thermal Insulation • Daniel Monsalve, Noguchi Takafumi
F12 Mycelium Mask • Daniel Monsalve
F14 Skin Tags • Valeria Solari Collao
F18 ¡Nosotros crecemos cosas! • Nicole Cristi
016 Laboratorio de biomateriales • Diana Urdinola, Felipe Ramírez, Paola Rodríguez
021 Interfaces de cuidado • Miguel Angel Palencia
050 Biodiseña con cuero botánico desde tu cocina • Lauren Ordoñez
052 Creación de cuero botánico artesanal a partir de piel de pescado • Lauren Ordoñez
061 Carbo • David Cabra Jaramillo
064 Biofilia material • Mauricio Vásquez-Rendón
068 Sustituto del cuero a partir del pseudotallo del plátano • Mery Jennifer Vargas Orozco, Juan Manuel Díaz Barragán
083 El Arte del Barniz de Pasto Mopa-Mopa • Suzanne Bioret
085 Envés Biomateriales • Jorge Burgos, Ximena Vélez
130 Fungaverso • Rodríguez Fonseca Giara María, Guaca Rodríguez María Camila
145 Biomoldeable de agar y flor de jamaica • Carolina Muñoz
153 Biobasados como oportunidad de desarrollo territorial • Sergio Felipe Galindo Gómez
163 Pared modular acústica • Urdinola Diana, Patiño Ever, Ramírez Andrés
170 Habitar el Micelio • Cossio Natalia, Izquierdo Isabela
172 AquaTangle • Sara Meche, Valentina Baer, Sofía Cortes, Julia Herrera
193 Laboratorio de Biomateriales • Mariangela Aponte Núñez
194 La piel es una fruta • Mariangela Aponte Núñez
233 Spora Studio • Nicole Hakim, Mariana Ruiz, Cristina Cruz, Nadine Hakim, Giovanna Danies
234 Cárica by Liz Pitta • Liz Pitta Paredes
Costa Rica
034 Biomímesis, Biomateriales y desafíos socio ecológicos • Rebeca Mora Castro, Edgar Pérez Saborío, Isabel Correa
051 Biomateriales en Costa Rica • Rebeca Mora Castro, Edgar Pérez Saborío, Paula Calderon Mesén, Jimena Montero Vargas, Jonathan Torres
119 Proyecto artístico Máquinas Salvajes • Jonathan Torres Rodríguez
120 S.UrenaLab • Sofía Ureña
127 Chromatic Clay • Michelle E. Carrillo, Melany Zuñiga, Mariana Gentillini, Karla Jimenez
139 TEAramic • Monge Humberto
169 Laboratorio de biomateriales con fibras naturales • César Guzmán Montero, Ivana Rodríguez Calderón, Asline Solano Leitón
176 BioArte • Wilberth Pandolfi Zamora, Silvana Sánchez D´Avanzo, Mónica Solano D’Avanzo
041 D.Lab USFQ • Cristina Munoz, Esteban Ponguillo, Paul Rosero, Paulette Goyes, Juan Sebastián Proaño
132 Curso digital de creación de micomateriales • Nelson Dueñas
171 La célula • Mateo Granja Mendoza, Daniela Maldonado Bueno
024 La Nueva Cultura Material • Valeria Leiva, Bryan Castro, Balam Say, Alejandra Rivera, Lix Laínez
012 Muntanya Lab • Mariajose Benitez, Luisa Campos, Pahola Issa, Alejandro Guerrero, Rodrigo Langarica
027 The Eggshell Project • Dinorah Schulte, Edurne Morales, Montserrat Ayala
040 Mexcalxochitl • Judith Covarrubias Saucedo
056 Biomaterial a partir de celulosa bacteriana de kombucha • Marcela Alejandra Duharte
090 Bagazo • Montserrat Ayala Almada, Ulises Llerena Carreño
104 Materioteca ITESO • Jared Jiménez Rodríguez, Luis Flores Flores, Enrique Cueva Lomas, Juan Pablo Mora Torres
108 Ladrillera Mecanizada • Santiago Richardson Martínez, Jacob Villarreal, Efren Robledo
109 Papel de fibra de tamarindo • Paloma Morán Palomar
110 La´Desta de Limón • Vanessa Espinoza Torres, Ana Paola Vazquez Valdez
111 Uinumo urhukata • Celeste Ramírez Campanur Xochitl, Abelardo Francisco Cazarez
124 Biology Studio • Edith Medina
125 Carmín • Edith Medina
136 Salvajes de cacao • Oviedo Cointya
150 Neflium • Bertín López, Studio Hole
156 Biomateriales de cianobacterias silvestres y de valor biocultural • Leonardo Zamora
160 Taina Campos • Taina Campos
179 Nepheon • Bertín López, Studio Hole
180 Cormeum biotech • María José Rivas Arreola
181 Fabteria • Elena Amato, Cointya Oviedo, Jessica Gutierrez
188 Biocuero de café • Gregoria Vásquez Xahuentitla, Noemi Getsamani, Hernandez Cruz, María Guadalupe Galicia Nava
189 Programa Educativo • Noemi Getsamani Hernandez Cruz, Gregoria Vásquez Xahuentitla, Carolina Flores Ramírez
190 non bio-fabrication lab • Daniela Herran
191 Biocueros • Juana Mercedes Blas Gaspariano, Karina Cadena Huerta, Karelly Mora Padilla
195 Radial • Amador Duarte González, Rodrigo Martín Barrientos, Daniel Díaz Tazzer Herrerías, Ricardo Muttio Limas
196 Bioartes Monstruosas • Lola Perla
202 Biocuero de Café • Rosete Sherlyn
F03 Flora • Sandra Galaviz, Christian Fuchs
F04 Bolso Media Luna • Sandra Galaviz, Özlem Turan
F05 Mawu • Sandra Galaviz, Özlem Turan
F06 Geminis • Sandra Galaviz, Karin Hief
117 GND • Aaron Rojas
166 1er Laboratorio de Biomateriales de la Amazonía Peruana • Sebastián Enriquez, Alejandro Weiss, Maria José Besoain, Pedro Pinto, Constanza Schmidlin
F19 Máquina de Hilado de Biofibras de Escritorio de código abierto • Eldy S. Lazaro Vasquez, Mirela Alistar, Laura Devendorf, Michael Rivera
F20 Diseño de prendas disolubles • Eldy Lazaro Vasquez, Lily Gabriel, Mikhaila Friske, Shanel Wu, Sasha De Koninck, Kerstin Nyquist, Laura Devendorf, Mirela Alistar, NEST Studio for the Arts – CU Boulder
Puerto Rico
020 Bio Layer • Germarilis Ruiz Galloza
026 Mater • Jimena Castells, Santiago Castells
077 Café de Mar • Victoria Apud, Camila Marabotto, Laura Penas
087 BioMaterializando con Historia • Paola Maldonado, Camila Marabotto, Fenja Geisel, Zoë Powell Best, Florencia Fischetti
088 La nueva cultura material • Paola Maldonado, Camila Marabotto
091 Simbiosis entre Biomateriales y el arte escénico • Paola Maldonado, Camila Marabotto, Fenja Geisel, Zoë Powell Best, Ciclón Teatro Independiente
129 Otra mirada sobre las infrutescencias del plátano de la sombra • Carolina Arias Bianchi
155 Usa Bambú • Paola Maldonado
157 Círculo de Exploración Material • Victoria Apud, Camila Marabotto, Laura Penas
Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, 2025