more-than-human sketching1

29.–30.5.24 more–than–human sketching@kgm drawing as digestion – spatial knowing processes

This series of workshops and immersive participatory performances offers an opportunity to engage with the embodied and fluid essence of tracing lines and being traced by them.

»More-than-human sketching« repurposes an emerging digital design tool—3D drawing—to delve into the collections of the KGM through collective acts of spatial sketching. Building upon the ongoing work of the Speculative Realities Lab (ExC Matters of Activity / Charité), participants in the workshops will collaboratively develop new scores for interactive augmented reality tours.

Attendees will receive an introduction to 3D sketching and then enact the scores to immerse themselves in the crafting processes embedded within the collection objects, embracing these active perspectives. In doing so, they will metaphorically become mycelium threads, absorbing the essence of object shapes (Movement I), and weaving intricate networks of meaning (Movement II).

The central question is: How can we reshape our perception of crafting as the more-than-handiwork of more-than-human makers?

Sketching has long symbolized the mark of the designerly knowing. At the heart of the modern creative process lies a mysterious act, somewhat elusive to the maker’s intentions: when hand, paper, and idea converge, an instinctual digestion of spatial knowledge occurs through quasi-conscious gestures. Like the agile tendrils of mycelium networks navigating their environment, these lines embrace forms, making sense of their relationships.

Within the museum’s space, small groups of visitors, equipped with augmented reality headsets, will be invited to engage in 3D sketching following a score inspired by design research, graphic anthropology, and the neurobiology of fungi. We aim to immerse visitors in the collections of the KGM through the luminous movement of digital lines, repurposing contemporary immersive design technology as a means of mediation.

Workshop including short lectures and activities by Elaine Bonavia Weblink
Paulina Greta Stefanovic and Maxime Le Calvé.
Registration is required. Participation is free of charge.

Hands-on 3D sketching guided tours in the following weeks. Registration is required.


Maxime Le Calvé Weblink

Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin

Workshop Schedule

Day 1 Wednesday 29.05.2024

10:00am Introduction

  • Movement session + »nervous listening« meditation (Maxime Le Calvé)
  • Impulse presentation »sketching the forest within« (Maxime Le Calvé)
  • 3D Sketching Jam 01 »digesting movement«
  • Impulse presentation »spatial drawing« (Elaine Bonavia)
  • 3D Sketching Jam 02 »digesting objects«

1:00-2:00pm: LUNCH BREAK

  • Impulse presentation »embodied interactions« (Paulina Greta Stefanovic)
  • 3D Sketching Jam 3 »digesting otherwise« (different modes of visualization)


  • Micro-phenomenological debrief interviews
  • Day 2 Thursday 30.05.2024

    10.00 Introduction

    • Movement session + »nervous listening« meditation (Maxime Le Calvé)
    • Reflections on day I
    • Impulse presentations (Maxime Le Calvé, Paulina Greta Stefanovic, Elaine Bonavia)
    • 3D Sketching Jam 01 »digesting movement«
    • 3D Sketching Jam 02 »digesting objects«

    1:00-1:00pm: LUNCH BREAK

    • 3D Sketching Jam 03 »digesting textures«


  • Micro-phenomenological debrief interviews
  • You can register for one or both days.
    The workshop is limited to 10 participants.

    Data protection notice: The event will be documented and published on the website.

    © Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin, 2024